18 noiembrie 2013


The Central Scientific Library „Andrei Lupan” Academy Science of Moldova, in colaborating with Springer organized on Thursday, October 31st, 14.00 til 18.00 a free Workshop on An insider’ Guide to Getting Published in Research journals. At this workshop was invited different kinds of users, students, researchers, librarians and writers interested in how to publish an article at Springer. The workshop was moderated by Dr. Aurelia Hanganu, director of the library and the speakers were Dr. Frans Lettenstrom and Dr. Prashanth Mahagaonkar, Springer.
Background information on Springer:
Knowledge, information and quality – these are the three things that shape Springeer Science+Business Media’s business activities. Springer develops manages and disseminates knowledge – through books, journals and the Internet. Springer works with world’s best academic and authors in long-standing loyal partnerships based on mutual trust.
Springer aims to offer excellence – more than 150 Nobel prize winners have published with Springer to the present date. Many of the publications are considered authoritative works in their field, read by academics and students, used by libraries and universities, academic professionals and practitioners in various branches of industry.
Outline of the workshop:
Get tips from one of the leading journal publishers on the criteria governing the selection of academic papers for publication in international journals. The publisher will also share with the audience the reviw process and give advice to authors on the preparation and submission of article.

Brief introduction to Springer’s history and strategy, speaker Dr. Frans Lettenstrom:

Dr. Frans Lettenstrom presented the Springer’s history and strategy, archival rights, Springer quality and traditions, mainlined the importance of the original reports of data/theory, assert priority, correspondence between scientists, the industry of publishing, from the movable type-printing in China, Guttenberg technology, Journal des Savants (http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/revue/jds), Philosophical transactions from London. Dr. Frans Lettenstrom described the evolution of digital era (1969 the evolution and structure of the Internet, 1989 appearance of the world wide web, 1996-2012 the citations) and how the information can be publish on a scientific database.
In Springer we can find 15.000.000 scientist from different countries on the world, 50.000 of scientific books, 1000 of publishers, e-journals, e-books, a big database for researchers and academics.
Springer has a global presence, is one of the world’s top science, technical and medical publishing houses with a strong focus on the academic market. In previous years the Springer Online Branding Concept was incoherent because there were no branding guidelines and rules for new web platforms. The Vision for our Journey with Springer was to create a branding strategy which works in both worlds and uses the same basic elements to deliver a unique visual language.

How to write for and Get Published in Scientific Journals speaker Dr. Prashanth Mahagaonkar editor, Business Springer Heidelberg, Germany.

Dr. Prashanth Mahagaonkar presented Types of journals: Letters journals, Traditional academic research journals, Review, Professional journals, Journal selection, How to choose the right journal on www.springer.com, journal pages, and endanzediting.com, journal selector. 


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